peaceselfcare » Psychopathy » Psychosis
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Psychosis is a severe mental disorder in which the patient’s connection with reality is interrupted, their relationship with other people is damaged and they may be hospitalized. People suffering from psychosis are not aware of their disorders and live in a private world. Psychosis is a group of diseases and disorders; which include schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In the following, we will examine the types of psychotic diseases and treatment methods in detail.

Neurotic disorders are a group of mental disorders that, unlike psychotic diseases, a person is aware of and often do not include the main functions of the personality.

Anxiety, obsession, and phobia can be mentioned among the common and well-known disorders of neurosis. Neurotic disorders (neuroses) target a person’s quality of life.

What is psychosis?

Psychosis is used to describe a condition where the brain is affected, losing touch with reality. In people suffering from psychosis, their perceptions and thoughts are disturbed and they have difficulty distinguishing what is real and what is not.

Symptoms of psychosis include delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear), confusion, slurred speech, and inappropriate behavior.

A person with psychotic illness may have depression, anxiety, sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and overall problems with functioning.

Psychosis is not a disease but a term that refers to a group or category of diseases. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are psychotic diseases.

Symptoms of psychosis

The most important symptoms of psychosis are:

These people are very pessimistic and think that everyone around them is conspiring and trying to harm them. This condition has intensified over time and they will have such an idea even about the closest family member.

They believe in the supernatural and always think that people from other planets can control their minds.

Pay attention to the person’s behavior, he is very delusional, for example, he hears sounds that you are not able to hear.

Unfortunately, those who suffer from insanity, either have problems expressing emotions or express inappropriate emotions.

Socially, they do not have a good relationship with others, and because they are far from the real world, they cannot socialize with those around them.

Psychosis causes the sick person’s performance and work efficiency to be severely affected.

From the point of view of personal health, it brings the person’s madness to a stage that will be very annoying for the people around him.

Psychosis causes a person to have a sleep disorder and suffer from insomnia.

Isolation, anxiety, depression, continuous complaints, etc. are other symptoms of insanity.

If insanity or psychosis is not treated, the person’s condition will become so acute that he will think about suicide.

Causes of psychosis

there is a few things can be causes of psychosis :

Heredity and genetics

This factor actually makes treatment difficult because the affected person has the gene for the disorder. In this situation, there will be no definitive treatment for the disorder, but its progress can be prevented anyway. Children whose father or mother or one of the close family members is suffering from dementia are more susceptible to this disorder.

Severe mental stress

Unfortunately, we have seen many times that a person suffering from insanity has developed psychosis due to adverse environmental conditions. The absence of a suitable educational method in a family, psychological pressure from a spouse, etc. are among the things that bring a person closer to the valley of insanity.

Suffering from physical diseases

Those who suffer from diseases such as Parkinson’s, epilepsy, stroke, Huntington’s, tumors and brain glands, etc., will also increase the possibility of insanity due to impaired brain function.

causes of psycho


Some types of diseases related to dementia may also be involved.

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • HIV, syphilis, and other brain infections
  • Some types of epilepsy
  • stroke

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder greatly increases the risk of developing psychosis, which is why psychologists strongly recommend that bipolar people should start treatment as soon as possible. Now the question arises, what are the characteristics of a bipolar person? Have you ever come across people who are happy and smiling at one moment and quickly change their position and become sad in a few seconds? These people have bipolar disorder.

Treatment of psychosis

A psychotic person should start treatment immediately. It is very dangerous to live with such a person. You are not safe even at night, and at any moment, because of pessimism, they may attack you and take your life. Therefore, you should immediately start counseling sessions for treatment.

First, in a few sessions with a psychologist, the disorder is diagnosed because the treatment will be different depending on the severity of the person’s involvement with the disorder. After that, drug therapy and psychotherapy should proceed together. In the sense that the drugs used by psychiatry, and on the other hand, the psychologist with behavioral methods, examines the inside of the patient and solves the root cause psychologically.

Antipsychotic drugs

Treatment with a specific class of drugs, called antipsychotic drugs, is one of the most common treatment methods for people suffering from psychosis.

Antipsychotic drugs are effective in reducing the symptoms of psychosis, especially in diseases like schizophrenia, but drugs alone cannot cure psychosis.

Second-generation antipsychotic drugs are mostly used. The use of antipsychotic drugs is common in the United States, but there is still controversy and conflicting opinions about their use.

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