Welcome TO PEACE!!

Mood And Anxiety Disorders Are Among The Most Common Types Of Mental Disorders In Canada And Have Been Shown To Have A Major Impact On The Daily Lives Of Those Affected. In 2013, An Estimated 3 Million Canadians (11.6%) Aged 18 Years Or Older Reported That They Had A Mood And/Or Anxiety Disorder.

Our Services

Our Services

24/7 Access To Your Therapy Room – No More Wait Times To See Your Therapist.
Flexible Plans To Meet Your Needs And Your Lifestyle
Eliminate Commute Time And Scheduling Hassles
Seamlessly Switch Therapists, At No Extra Cost
Save Money While Receiving High-Quality Care
Immediate Mood-Changing Relief Through Music And Pictures
Immediate Support Response In Case Of Emergency
Real-Time Data Updates On Remote Monitoring


Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) Is A Common And Serious Medical Illness That Negatively Affects How You Feel, The Way You Think, And How You Act.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Features A Pattern Of Unwanted Thoughts And Fears (Obsessions) That Lead You To Do Repetitive Behaviors (Compulsions).


There Is A Stigma Associated With Mental Health And Therefore, People Choose Not To Come Forward And Seek Help.


The Various States That Are Experienced Following The Loss Of A Loved One Are Called Stages Of Mourning.

Our Team

Meet Our Psychologists

What Do We Do?

We aim to develop an innovative method to assist mental healthcare providers, and patients with more productive ways to collect, manage, store and share information while monitoring their patients with a prospective cutting-edge information technology infrastructure.
– Providing privacy in mental healthcare supports a way around the stigma.
– Provide immediate solutions when clients need help by changing their moods.
– Access to a pool of practitioners, while avoiding the line, booking, and wait times.
– Continual client remote monitoring.
– Reduction in suicidal rates.


The Peace App Is Designed To Instantly Connect Its Users With Mental Health Practitioners And Their Personal Support Groups. It Provides Solutions When Patients Need Help By Changing Their Moods And Connecting Them With Their Personal And Professional Support Groups. It Provides Continual Client Remote Monitoring And Reduces Suicide Rates.

Our Mission

We Aim To Make Mental Health Available To Everyone With Cutting-Edge Technology At An Affordable Price.

Our Vision

Our Vision Is To Change The World And Create A Harmonious Environment Where Mental Health Connects Us All.

Why Choos Us ?

Effective Psychological Therapy With A Minimum Of 5 Years Post Qualification Experience.

Where The Opportunity Lies.

• Lack Of Al In Healthcare Cloud Computing
• Emerging Mental Healthcare Market And Growing Awareness With Double-Digit Growth Over The Next 10 Years
• Lack Of Applications Options For Doctors And Patients
• Increase Of Work, Urban Stress, And Mental Health Disorders
• Economical Productivity Loss Associated With Mental Health Issues

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