Suicidal thoughts are one of the psychological problems that many people struggle with. Even if you are currently struggling with excruciating and constant pain, there are still ways to deal with suicidal thoughts and feelings and overcome them. Perhaps the best solution is to consult a counselor or psychologist.
The essential points in having a sense of suicidal feelings
- No matter how much pain you are experiencing right now, you need to know that you are not the only one who is under pressure. Many of us have had suicidal thoughts in our minds at some point in our lives. Having suicidal thoughts is not a sign of personality defect.
- It does not mean that you are crazy, weak or deficient. It just means that your pain is more than you can handle. But by the passage of time and the support of others, you can overcome your problems, the pain and feeling of suicide will disappear.
- You should know that even some of the best, most admirable and talented people have experienced this feeling at some point in their lives. Many of us think about ending our lives when we feel overwhelmed by depression and despair. But the pain of depression can be treated and hope lost can be restored.
- It does not matter how bad your condition is. You need to know that there are people who need you. There are places you can change and experiences that can remind you that life is worth living.
- learn coping skills to overcome depression, and find the strength to keep going. But remember that:
- Emotions are constantly changing. The feeling you have today may not be the feeling you had yesterday or the feeling you will have tomorrow or next week.
- There are many things you can still do in your life.
- There are many sights, sounds and experiences in life that are very enjoyable and you will not experience them and you will miss them.
- Your ability to experience pleasurable emotions equals your ability to experience distressing emotions
Read more: Stress
Why do we feel suicidal?
Different types of emotional pain can lead to suicidal thoughts. The cause of each of these pains is unique and the ability to cope with them varies from person to person. Although people are different, there are common causes that may cause us to experience suicidal thoughts and feelings.
Why is suicide the only option under certain circumstances?
If you cannot think of a solution other than suicide, it is not because there are no other solutions. But you are not able to understand them at the moment.
The intense emotional pain you are currently experiencing can confuse your thinking. So it becomes more difficult to find possible solutions to overcome problems or to connect with people who can support you.
Your therapists, counselors, friends or loved ones can help you find solutions that may not have been obvious to you before. So it’s better to give them a chance to help.
Suicide crisis is almost always a fleeting feeling!
However, it may seem that your pain and discomfort will never end. But it is important to understand that these crises are usually temporary. Solutions are often found.
Your emotions change and positive things happen unexpectedly. Remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a transient problem. So it may be best to give yourself the opportunity to change the situation and ease the pain.
There are solutions to even the most frustrating problems!
Psychological issues such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can all be treated with lifestyle changes, counseling and medication. Most people who seek help can improve their condition and get treatment.
Even if you have been treated for a mental illness before or have tried to solve your problems, know that you often need to try different methods before finding a suitable solution or a combination of different solutions.
For example, when you are prescribed a medication, finding the right dose often requires constant changes. Do not give up until you find the right solution. In fact, all problems can be treated and improved.
Necessary measures to deal with the feeling of suicidal ideation
1) Promise not to do anything right now
Even if you are suffering a lot now, stay away from any action. Promise yourself, “I will wait 24 hours and do nothing special during this time.” Or “I will wait a week.”
Thoughts and actions are two different things. So thoughts about your suicidal ideation do not have to come true. There is no time limit for doing these thoughts, no one is forcing you to act on these thoughts quickly. So wait and see if there is a gap between suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.
2) Avoid drugs and alcohol
Suicidal ideation can be stronger if you take drugs or alcohol. It is important to avoid over-the-counter or alcohol-based medications if you feel frustrated or have suicidal thoughts.
3) Make your home safe
Eliminate items that you may use to harm yourself, such as pills, knives, razors, or guns. If you can not do this, go to a place where you can feel safe. If you are thinking of taking too much medicine, leave your medicine to someone who will give it to you once a day according to your needs.
4) Do not continue the feelings and thoughts related to suicide
Many of us have found that the first step to coping with suicidal thoughts and feelings is to talk about them with someone we trust. This trusted person can be a family member, friend, therapist, clergyman, teacher, family doctor, mentor or experienced counselor.
Find someone you trust and tell them how bad things are. Do not let fear, shame and embarrassment get in the way of your help. If the first person you contact does not seem to understand the situation, find someone else.
Sometimes just talking about how to get to this stage of life can put a lot of pressure on your friends and help you find a way to cope with it.
5) Have hope
Even people who have felt as bad as you have been able to survive. So have hope.
There is a very high chance that you will pass this stage and leave these feelings behind. It does not matter how much self-loathing, frustration, or isolation you experience right now. Just give yourself time and do not try to deal with it alone.
6) Get help
There are many people who want to support you in these difficult times. Even if you do not feel it right now. Communicate with them. Do it now.
If you have given yourself 24 hours or a week in the first stage, use this time and tell others what is going on inside you. Talk to someone who does not try to discuss your feelings, judge you, or just say, “Get out of here.”
Find someone who can easily listen to you and be by your side. It does not matter who this person is. It is enough to have someone you trust and who is likely to listen to you with compassion and acceptance.
How to talk to someone about suicide?
Even when you decide who you can trust and talk to, it can be difficult for someone else to accept the suicidal thoughts. Therefore, you may need to pay attention to the following in this conversation:
Tell him exactly what you say to yourself. If you have a suicide plan, explain it to him.
Phrases like “I can no longer bear it” or “My tolerance is over” are vague and do not indicate what the serious issues really are. Tell someone you trust that you are suicidal.
If you find it difficult to speak, try writing a note and delivering it to someone you trust. Or send him an email or text and sit next to him as he reads.