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Types of Depression

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type of depression

Type of depression are seen in people based on environmental conditions, age, social status and type of incidents. Some types of depression have specific symptoms and others are silent. Some types of depression are very dangerous and cause widespread disorders in a person, and if action is not taken in time, it will have irreparable results. Some people think that depression is the same as being sad. But sadness is only one of the types of depression. In this article, we are going to measure the types of depression by its symptoms and determine the level of its treatment. In this article, we are going to measure the types of depression by its symptoms and determine the level of its treatment.

How many types of depression do we have?

Some types of depression are very common and recurring.

Major depression

In examining the types of depression, we first examine the most common type of depression, which is severe depression. In this regard, there is a strong feeling of sadness, despair and joylessness. The person feels very low on energy and cannot concentrate on their work. This group of depression is generally characterized by feelings of guilt and suicidal thoughts.


Another type of depression is dysthymia, which includes a series of long-term depression disorders. This option is not as severe as the previous one, but it causes a severe mood drop. Sadness and difficulty concentrating are the main symptoms of dysthymia. Another symptom is a change in sleep and appetite habits, and in general, psychotherapy and drug therapy will be effective. Those who are involved in this disease are more involved in major depression or clinical depression.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is also common. The mother is involved in intense feelings of sadness and anxiety and feels very tired. He feels lonely and hopeless. The treatment of this model of depression is both psychotherapy and talk therapy and medication. Spouse plays an important role in this type of depression and it is very important that the condition is investigated.

Invisible depression

In invisible depression, the people around the patient do not notice his illness, but the person himself knows with his symptoms that he is depressed or possibly has a problem, but he tries to make the situation seem normal so that others do not notice his illness and problem.

Types of depression in children

A common type of depression is depression in children. The types of depression in children include unipolar and bipolar depression. Feelings of sadness, anger, lethargy and distress are the main symptoms of depression in children.

Types of depression for young people

There are some types of depression that occur more often at younger ages.

Seasonal affective disorder

In the review of types of depression, one case is related to specific seasonal symptoms. That means, for example, a person is not interested in cold winter days, or in some seasons is associated with severe excess weight, or is involved in isolation.

Symptoms of this model of depression include anxiety and increased irritability and fatigue. This model of depression is usually milder and is more related to the winter season. This model of depression is treated with light therapy or treatment with artificial lights.

Atypical depression

Among the types of depression, there is another type of depression in which a person feels heaviness in his hands and feet and is paralyzed for a moment. This model of depression causes a person’s weight to increase and also causes a series of disabilities in him. Extreme sensitivity to interpersonal rejection is also considered based on the long-term pattern. To treat this depression, talking therapy is the best option.

Types of dangerous depression

In examining the symptoms of various types of depression, we come to cases that are more dangerous than the previous cases.

Depression with psychosis

Psychosis, which is considered a type of psychosis, causes confused thoughts or behavior and creates a series of false beliefs. In general, psychosis is not related to depression, but similar symptoms are seen in these cases.

A person suffering from this disease does not speak and is stuck to his bed. He feels bad when the sun rises, and when he sees that he has to enter this world one more day and do repetitive tasks, he feels weak.

This type of a depression should be treated with antidepressants. There is also a series of antipsychotic drugs that a person must take care of according to the doctor’s opinion.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the main types of depression. Mood swings are generally considered to be symptoms of bipolar depression. In this situation, the person becomes involved in a manic disorder and the reason is high energy and high emotions.

In this model of the disorder, the situation is such that the person’s energy increases and his emotions also increase, and in general, he is involved in a series of sudden attacks and there is weakness in his judgment. He talks too much at once and too little at once, the person gets involved in strange situations. Sometimes he eats a lot and sometimes less! The bipolar disease includes type one, two, periodic mood, etc.

Types of depression without risk

There are some types of depression that are not dangerous and do not cause problems for the person.

Premenstrual dysphoria

Premenstrual dysphoria is a type of depression that women experience during the second half of their menstrual cycle. They are involved in depression and anxiety and mood swings. Sometimes this model of depression is so severe that it causes the person’s symptoms to increase and even affects his nutrition.

Situational depression

In examining the types of depression, there is another option that includes adjustment disorder. In this type of depression, a person is involved in stressful events and it generally causes bad effects on his thoughts. This is situational depression. That is, a person does not even think that he will be caught in a special situation due to a simple problem, and in this context, worry and anger come to him.

In general, the level of depression is identified for these situations and a person shows a series of reactions based on the created conditions. Don’t forget that the level of anger and anxiety caused by people is different, and of course, this option is easier to treat than in other cases. It is enough for a person to be able to place himself in a relaxing space and measure his position carefully.

Depression treatment

You should note that depression needs treatment. There are various treatment methods. Drug therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, and technological therapy are all effective in treating depression.

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