
Various events in life can cause depression after marriage, especially for people who are already prone to depression. A high level of conflict and problems, having an unhealthy relationship, feeling lonely and distant from your partner, are just some of the patterns of a marriage that can cause depression after marriage. Love is one of the most powerful and exciting emotions to experience, and it flourishes when two people are happy and content in a relationship. Although, life creates inevitable challenges, but successful couples know that along with happy times, there are also problems and they can control these problems; But sometimes rarely in some couples these problems such as infertility, loss of job, death of a loved one cause depression in people.

Spouses in high-stress marriages are 10-25% more likely to experience depression than those who are single or have poor communication and problem-solving skills.

Symptoms of depression after marriage

Many couples may experience depression after marriage. In fact, a period of this depression causes a change in a person’s situation in a strange way; In such a way that the person has problems in doing their most ordinary things. Here are some of the symptoms of depression after marriage :

  • Decreased interest in working or resigning from work
  • Reduced communication with other people
  • Change in eating habits
  • Neglect of children
  • Decreased interest in previously popular activities
  • Decreased libido
  • Isolation and distance from society
  • Inability to coordinate tasks
  • Energy reduction
  • Changing the sleep schedule
  • Changes in personal care such as exercise and doctor visits
  • Lack of concentration in doing things
  • Feeling of inadequacy and guilt in life
  • Feeling pessimistic towards the spouse
  • Negative emotions such as sadness, grief and anxiety

Depression after marriage in women

Women are almost twice as likely to develop depression after marriage as men. There are many biological reasons for this, including changing hormone levels before and after pregnancy, as well as before and after menopause. There are also cultural aspects that contribute to depression in women, such as dealing with additional workplace stressors, harassment or gender discrimination.

When helping a depressed spouse, it’s important to learn how to recognize the symptoms. A depressed spouse may cry frequently, not be interested in seeing friends, oversleep or overeat.

If you suspect you have a depressed spouse, talk to them about how you feel, and use a loving tone of voice while talking. Did she deal with something like postpartum depression after the birth of your new baby? Does she feel the pressure of wanting to be perfect? Many reasons can cause you to have a depressed spouse.

Listen non-judgmentally and help her feel supported and loved. Let her talk without interruption. If she doesn’t want to talk, don’t insist; Wait and talk to your wife again in two or three days.

Depression in men

Learning how to help a depressed husband can be different. Sometimes men express their depression as anger or aggression, which can go undiagnosed because we often think of depression as sadness.

Culturally, men are less likely to evaluate and discuss their feelings, so it may be difficult for your depressed husband to express what he feels.

Instead of isolating himself, a depressed husband may spend more time with friends or stay late at work to occupy his mind.

Causes of depression after marriage

As you know, post-marriage depression is a state in which a feeling of discomfort, regret, and unpleasantness comes to a person after the marriage is finalized. This type of depression is not related to the gender of people and it is not related to the conditions of the spouse. It can happen even in marriages that have been done completely with the consent of the parties. There are many causes of this depression, which we will discuss below:

What is the best treatment for depression after marriage?

There are many ways to treat post-marital depression; that couple therapy is one of the best of them. This method is an excellent therapeutic method to discuss and solve problems between men and women. If only one of the couples is struggling with depression disorder; So, he may need individual treatment for his recovery. Also, other family members may need to be treated in order to cope with the condition of the patient.

Depression after marriage is a common issue that couples can treat by working together and establishing a deep relationship. In a joint life, you don’t need to look for the cause of a feeling in your being; Rather, by sharing this feeling with your spouse and his support, you can take steps towards healing and improving it.

Is depression after marriage a common problem?

Yes, post-marriage depression is a common issue that couples can treat by working together and establishing a deep relationship. In married life, you don’t need to look for the cause of a feeling in your being; Rather, you can heal by sharing this feeling with your partner and his/her support.

What conditions does the occurrence of depression after marriage create for the sick person?

Many couples may experience depression after marriage. In fact, a period of this depression causes a change in a person’s situation in a strange way; In such a way that the person has problems even in doing and managing their most ordinary affairs.

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